Friday 4th November Sub-Forum I: TECHNOLOGY FORUM

Bio-natural gas product quality and grid-injection standards
Prof. Dr. Zhou Hongjun, Dean, Institute of New Energy, China University of Petroleum (Beijing)

Urban biomass waste treatment technologies development and policy trend analysis
Dr. Liu Xiao, China Association of Urban Environmental Sanitation, Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development (MOHURD)

German biogas plants standards, monitoring, and technology experience sharing
Dr. Harald Wedwitschka,Deutsches Biomasseforschungszentrum gemeinnützige GmbH (DBFZ

Construction of information and monitoring platform for biogas project in China
Mr. Li Binfeng, Director, Division of Renewable Energy, Rural Energy and Environment Agency, MOA

Cloud computing promotes innovation and development of bio-natural gas industry
Mr.Cheng Haoxin,Solution Architect,Amazon Web Services

User friendly online biogas monitoring
Jan Talkenberger,Binder Instrumentation Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.(BINDER Group)

Feedstock & process optimization of biogas production and data management prospective
Dr. Liu Jing,Bioprocess Control Sweden AB

Key technology of large-scale biogas projects
Mr.Cai Changda, Board Chairman, Hangzhou Energy Environmental Engineering Co., Ltd.

Bio-natural gas industry engineering practice and exploration
Chaoling Ma, Sinopec Engineering(Group)Co. Ltd.

Successful utilization of membrane upgrading in Bio-nature gas
Mr. Wu Yanan, Shanxi Fenxi Heavy Industry Co., Ltd (CSIC)

Straw biogas technology sharing
Dr. Joachim Clemens , CTO, Soepenberg LTD

Expansion of biogas market through diversification & technology intergration
Dr. Giuliano Grassi, Secretary General of the European Biomass and Association (EUBIA) Brussels

Italian biogas and bio-natural gas technology and cases sharing
Dr. Stefano Capaccioli, ETA-Florence Renewable Energies

World bank Hebei rural renewable energy development project management experience sharing
Wu Xuebing, Project Director, World Bank PMO